7 September 2022: Energy considerations; Spain’s rich; Spanish kids’ slang, & Other stuff

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Awake! For, Morning, in the Bowl of Night, has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight
And, Lo, has caught the Sultan’s Turret in a Noose of Light

Spanish life is not always likeable but it is compellingly loveable
Christopher Howse: ‘A Pilgrim in Spain’

Today’s Lesson: And it came to pass that, on the 3rd day, my Mac resurrected itself. Which is just as well, as I can’t take it for the appointment with the IT company this morning, as I’m walking the camino to Caldas de Reis again.


This is a must-listen podcast for all those who promote early Net Zero and believe in the myth of its rapid, painless achievement.

Near term . .  President Macron says there’s no need for a new gas pipeline between Spain and France. Apparently the opposite of what the German leader thinks.

I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s totally confused by the operation of the international energy market but this headline did take me by surprise: Spain was the country which imported most [liquid]gas from Russia by ship in July and August. Especially as Madrid argued with Brussels that Spain was less dependent on Russian energy than other EU states , so should have a lower reduction target.

Life in Spain

As elsewhere . . .  The number of rich folk in Spain increased during the pandemic year. Almost 8,200 people declared an income of more than €6m in 2020, 295(3.6%) more than in 2019. Of course, this doesn’t actually mean there were only 295 more.

Cosas de Spain/Galiza

Here’s something on bits of Old Madrid. Be careful in the Market of San Miguel; it’s rife with pickpockets. In my experience, at least.

Spain’s ‘Robin Hoods’ – Andalucian bandits

And the even more exotic Lola Montez, who rose and rose again and again, usually from a horizontal position . . .

Back in 2020, the car-hating mayor of Pv city, closed one of the main access roads to the city – ‘temporarily because of Covid’. The closure was later, to no one’s surprise, declared permanent. And now I read it’s to be converted into a 735m-long skate-park. Which should please the kids, if not the guests in the hotel on the road.

The UK 

Few people give Ms Truss more than 2 years in the office she’s gained. But who then? Yet another Tory leader or Labour’s Mr Starmer?

Meanwhile, the outgoing Mr Johnson assured us this morning that he did a great number of massive things, one of which was restore international respect for the UK. Utterly delusional. Or just an inveterate liar?

The Way of the World

A counter-blast to the zealots/ideologues – on both the Right and the Left – who think the Enlightenment was a bad thing. “The New Puritans”.


The first 5 of the argot(jerga) of today’s Spanish kids:-

A machete: Ir con todas las fuerzas, intensidad máxima. 

Azul: La Policía Nacional. 

Bakano: Muy, pero muy bueno. 

Beef: Riña agria entre dos personas. 

Boomer: Para referirse a cualquiera que saque unos cuantos años al adolescente que tiene delante. Un “ok, boomer” es la forma más desdeñosa que se puede soltar para zanjar debates. 


To amuse . . .

For new readers: If you’ve landed here looking for info on Galicia or Pontevedra, try here. If you’re passing through Pontevedra on the Camino, you’ll find a guide to the city there.


  1. My partner had her mobile phone stolen in Madrid back in 2007 on the metro. We were warned repeatedly by locals to be very careful, particularly at crossings. It’s the only City in Spain we’ve ever felt so wary, although I know the ramblas in Barcelona has quite a reputation.


    • My daughter twice had her bag stolen from under the table in Madrid. I had my laptop taken from the side of my table but got it back. Then my pocket picked in the market and an attempt on the metro. Yes, you need to be on your guard. Also on the metro in Oporto , where a friend recently had his wallet lifted by a ‘helpful resident.



  2. In Brazil for as long as I can remember people say “bakana”, also to mean very good or muito bom. I wonder which came first?


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